Contraindications are conditions which make massage either unsuitable or require certain areas of the body to be excluded from treatment.
Conditions when massage cannot be given:
Any infectious and contagious disease or fever.
Under the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol.
Diarrhoea or vomiting.
Conditions requiring written GP consent or client indemnify:
Condition being treated by a GP or another Complementary Practitioner
When taking prescribed medication
Epilepsy, diabetes or asthma
Medical oedema
Musculo-skeletal system dysfunctions (e.g. arthritis, osteoporosis, acute rheumatism, slipped disc, whiplash, pain or postural deformities)
Cardiovascular conditions (e.g. thrombosis, phlebitis, hyper/hypo-tension, heart conditions, haemophilia)
Nervous system dysfunctions (e.g. spastic conditions, MS, Bell’s Palsy Parkinson’s, Motor Neurone Disease, trapped / pinched / inflamed nerve, nervous / psychotic conditions)
Kidney infections
Recent operations
Undiagnosed pain